Image created by @kayakanimated
Purpose and Intention for Club Membership
Whitewater kayaking has been appropriately dubbed a “legacy sport”. Most of us who participate have been introduced to the sport by family members, or close friends; compliment that with the initial investment of equipment over $2000, there are obvious barriers to entry. The White Salmon Boat Library is here to change that.
As a public non-profit The White Salmon Boat Library is open to everyone regardless of financial ability. With this in mind, it is our purpose to minimize the social and economic barriers that create difficulty in participating in the sport of whitewater kayaking. It is our hope for all of our members to be mindful of this goal.
It is our desired intention that our gear will be used to make kayaking more easily accessible and to bring more people into the sport we all love.
For example:
Do you wish to get into kayaking and do not have the financial ability to buy gear or a kayak?
Do you have a friend you are teaching to kayak and they want to see if they enjoy it before making the financial commitment?
Are you a full time student and do not have the time to work to earn money for a kayak?
We recognize there are many additional reasons to borrow gear from the library beyond our intention and wish to invite everyone to join, even if you are not a new kayaker or you have financial resources.
For example:
You may want to demo a new boat or a boat design that is no longer made.
You may want to check out a piece of gear, like a paddle, because yours broke and you want to go kayaking while you are waiting for a new one in the mail.
When Borrowing, Please
Be mindful of the intent of the library
It is our desired intention that our gear will be used to make kayaking more easily accessible and to bring more people into the sport we all love.
Be considerate of the amount of gear in the library. The specific gear you are borrowing may be desired by many people.
Donate to the library if you are borrowing gear and are blessed enough to have the financial ability to buy gear. It will be a passing of the torch of the love and passion we have all experienced in whitewater.
2.Be mindful that it takes a great deal of time, effort, and finances to operate the White Salmon Boat Library
Handle and return the gear you borrow responsibly so it remains clean, available and in good repair. This minimizes the volunteer time it takes to maintain the gear and the space.
Contact us if you would like to donate gear, time or money to the library. It is much appreciated.